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Crystal & Chakra Workshop – Levels 1 & 2

Sense of Self in St.Kilda Road Melbourne is excited to present this TWO DAY EVENT – Crystal & Chakra Workshop – Levels 1 & 2 with Jennifer Seitanidis.

Event coming soon

Whether your goal is to work with Crystals for your own benefit, or to incorporate it into your current practice, at the end of this workshop you will have all of the necessary tools and knowledge to confidently work with Crystals.

Expand on your knowledge, whether you are a beginner or already familiar with Crystals. Explore working with Crystals for self-healing, personal development and applying it to others in the correct way with this “hands on” workshop.

Books and online courses can give you knowledge but fail to deliver on the practical energetic experience and healing benefits that you will receive in a classroom. Enjoy this hands on approach to learning – which is a far more practical and enjoyable journey of exploration than simply reading about it.

Everyone is unique and everyone experiences the energy of particular Crystals differently according to past experience, energetic overlays, emotional blocks and the effects of spiritual practices. Find out which crystals resinate with you. Explore the subtle energies and vibrations, colours & shapes as you go on a journey of discovery.

You will learn –

  • How to select, cleanse & activate your Crystals.
  • Choosing a Crystal for specific purpose
  • How to attune your Crystals to your energy
  • Chakras – what role they play to determine if you are in a state of harmony or disharmony.
  • Focussing and opening the mind’s eye
  • Learn and experience a full Chakra cleanse, balance and recharge
  • Working with Crystal wands
  • Strengthening your Aura with Crystals
  • Open the higher Chakras and bringing them on-line
  • How to protect your energy and space with Crystals
  • Pendulums
  • Being your own Crystal Healer
  • Gem essences – which Crystals are safe to use and make your own Crystal essence
  • Crystal Grids for home or work
  • Journey through Crystals (meditation experience)…. and so much more

Included in the workshop is a set of Chakra balancing Crystals which you will work with throughout the weekend.

Join the many others who find working with Crystals an invaluable and rewarding addition to their daily lives and open up amazing possibilities for the future